Тема: Великобритания и её роль в Европейском Союзе и мировом хозяйстве. Учебная работа № 399245

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Тип работы: Реферат
Предмет: Мировая экономика
Страниц: 13

Великобритания и её роль в ЕС и мировом хозяйстве 5
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    Учебная работа № 399245. Тема: Великобритания и её роль в Европейском Союзе и мировом хозяйстве

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    Великобритания – традиции и современность. Личное представление. (UK – Tradition and modernity. A pe…

    people would be directed to the language of Shakespeare, to the famous British
    accent, to the royal succession, to Big Ben, to the 5 o’clock tea, to the black
    humor, to the bowler hat and so on.

    fifty years ago…Say the words “British people” and the following might cross
    their minds: conservative, traditional, polite, stiff, moderate.

    the words “ British identity” and you might find it described only by

    “Strange”, you might add,
    arguing that a portrait of  “British” people or on the meaning of “being
    British” can be drawn in precise lines. In fact, just above, people proved to have
    long-established guide marks when it comes to sketching them. A simple, new and
    controverse word such as “fluctuating” seems rather unsuitable to stand near
    the traditional and well-known “British identity”.

    Still, the significance of 
    “fluctuating British identity” might pop anxiously in your mind, arising the
    curiosity to search for even a seed of truth in it. And, if that’s the case, I
    believe the starting point should be the very basic element of this identity:
    the character and personality of the British people.

    The key question to be reviewed
    is whether a single and unvaried British temper entered the gates of this

    A return to the historic events
    might provide part of the answer to this.  After the Second World War, Britain
    faced an influx of European refugees. As a result of it, sizeable groups of
    Americans, Australians, Chinese and even Indian or Pakistani settled down and
    concentrated in communities in particular British areas. “Unsettled
    Multiculturalism” written by B. Hesse gives a detailed description of the
    process, concluding that throughout the following decades, the new foreign-born
    element of the population induced by the immigration waves reflected its own
    image in the British identity. The cultural prints left are in fact the
    assumptions and aspirations, the values and believes of each community, that
    have shaped and outlined the country’s identity.

    Nowadays precisely this
    diversity of backgrounds and experience define Britain as a multicultural
    country. The traditional “Being British” has certainly taken centuries to forge
    but I strongly support that only by submitting to a modern and constant process
    of renewal with elements from different cultures can a nation survive, open new
    and expanding horizons for its society and build a common cultural framework
    for its people. Most countries embrace this flexible attitude of taking in a
    new human input but to me what is uniquely “British” is the ability to preserve
    the core traditional values of the culture and add to them the “spice’
    ingredients of modernity. These don’t manage to alter British tradition,
    seconds J. Rutherford in his book “Young Britain”, but improve its “taste”, its
    glorious achievements so that a better and more complex heritage can be passed
    to the next generations.

    From my point of view,
    reconciling tradition with modernity in Britain is like putting in a glass the
    oil (British culture) and water (foreign cultures) together. There’s no mixture
    in this, in fact both remain distinctive entities and conserve their
    properties. But most important, the content of that glass will grow, as you
    continue to pour in it the vitality of water. “Salting” and “ peppering” the
    British culture with a multitude of values from foreign cultures would
    certainly complete the fruits of tradition and “bake” a more vibrant, modern
    and dynamic British identity. And precisely the main “ingredient” used to
    “bake” it is the people’s personality.

    Psychology recognizes that the
    individual’s identity is closely determined by the framework of various social
    encounters and experiences. As C. Squire clearly stated in “Culture in
    psychology”, only the collectivity’s accounts provide the foundation for
    individuals to mak…